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Set your priorities

What does it do?

ChangeMythChannel is an application that enables or disables channels and sets the priority of channel in Mythtv's database.

I find that I use this application frequently and it speeds setting things up quite a bit. It is usefull since Tv providers have a habit of shuffling channels, and on occasion when the ota tv transmitters are temporarily down.

What does it look like?

ChangeMythChannel main window

Channel :

Fill in the Channel box with channel you are interested in modifying.

In this field, ChangeMythChannel accepts numbers and underscore only.

Priority :

This setting will weight the channel against other channels. For example, If you would like request myth to select a channel with better picture quality or with higher signal strength during recording scheduling, set the value above zero.

Channel Status :

Channel status sets the channel in the database as enabled or disabled. Once this is set your guide data will or will not show the channel respectively.

After use, you should run mythfilldatabase for the settings to take affect.

How does it connect to Mythtv?

The Mysql settings are set in the preference window. On windows, the data is encrypted as an extra precaution.

ChangeMythChannel mysql settings window

Setup is easy :

Fill in the location box with the ip address to mythbackend. Match the rest of the settings to your mythtv installation.


The machine your are currently using does not apear to be compatible.

For a complete compatibility list, please click here

ChangeMythChannel will run on the following Operating systems :

Windows 7

Windows 8

Windows 10

Desktop linux (available, but still in beta)

Frequently asked Questions (Tap on the question for an answer)

There doesn't seem to be any yet. Email me if you have any questions